Make Japanese companies the best place to work in the world
Promoting local overseas business through DX at offices
Raise productivity to further develop overseas business

Characteristics of a company strong overseas
In recent years, while globalization has spread, the hurdles to cross-border business development are rising year by year due to differences in local customs, changes in the world situation and legal systems.
On the other hand, even among globalizing Japanese companies, there are companies that have achieved unique development and have succeeded in overseas business.
They have strong management skills to visualize and overcome potential local issues that are difficult to see from the Japanese head office, as well as superficial issues such as differences in language and local customs that can become barriers in overseas business. I’m here.
However, it is extremely difficult for local companies with limited management resources to have the ability to visualize and quantify local issues, and to consider measures to deal with them. It will be a difficult task.
Therefore, it is essentially necessary to strengthen local management by local offices rather than strengthening management from the head office.
We are developing a core system to clear each issue that each company has at overseas offices and promote the strengthening of local management through DX.
Our mission is to further improve the productivity, recruiting power, and management power of overseas offices, create the world’s most comfortable working environment for Japanese companies, and make them shine more and more in the world.
Common Issues for Overseas Offices
Challenges in Business Growth
Risk of Hiring Local Employees
High risk of hiring local employees.
High Personnel Expenses
Slow Business Promotion
Business promotion through local M&A takes time to visualize the business and market.
Difficulty in Understanding Issues
Due to the local customs, necessary data cannot be collected, failing to understand the issues.
Taking Time for Handover
After taking over from the predecessor, essential information takes time to become visible.
Challenges in Reporting
Pressure on Core Business
Core business is not being handled due to reporting to head office, ensuring compliance, etc.
Lack of Personnel
Need more personnel for business promotion and compliance but cannot afford it.
Lack of Time
Reporting work such as organizing internal Information takes too much time.
Business Trips
Employees cannot go on a business trip around the deadline.
Challenges for DX at Overseas Offices
Lack of Specialized Personnel
Lack of employees capable of system planning and implementation management.
Language Barrier
The language barrier puts burden on employees, resulting in inefficiency.
Head office system is not locally optimized, resulting in insufficient efficiency.
Lack of Specialized Personnel
Lack of employees capable of system planning and implementation management.
現地システムを導入したが、言語の壁で 駐在員・各社員の負担が増え、逆に非効率に。
By solving these problems with “RUNZUS”…
Improve local productivity and lead to overseas business promotion.
Features of RUNZUS
Providing one-stop service
Consolidate operations into a single system, reducing the burden for the system administrator.

System translation in 95 languages and multi-currency support
Low-burden system use for local expatriates and local staff.
l Real-time information management, even with changes in social conditions such as Ukraine,
COVID-19, etc.

Complete operations with a smartphone
Real-time confirmation and approval of information even when not at the office.

Data entry support
Our unique technology completely renews the system environment, which has been a problem in input work, and reduces input work time by about 30 to 50%.
In addition, by using the data entry service, the data entry work itself can be reduced.

Exclusive design for your company
Increased loyalty among your employees

Browsing Restriction Settings
Restrict access to data containing personal information

95 Languages Supported
- Japanese
- English
- Afrikaans
- Albanian
- Amharic
- Arabic
- Armenian
- Azerbaijani
- Basque
- Bengali
- Bulgarian
- Burmese
- Belarusian
- Cambodian
- Catalan
- Chinese
- Corsican
- Croatian
- Czech
- Danish
- Dutch
- Esperanto
- Estonian
- Persian
- Finnish
- French
- Frisian
- Galician
- Gaelic (Scottish)
- Georgian
- German
- Greek
- Gujarati
- Hausa
- Hebrew
- Hindi
- Hungarian
- Icelandic
- Indonesian
- Irish
- Italian
- Kannada
- Kazakh
- Kyrgyz
- Korean
- Lao
- Latin
- Latvian (Lettish)
- Lithuanian
- Macedonian
- Malagasy
- Malay
- Malayalam
- Maltese
- Māori
- Marathi
- Mongolian
- Norwegian
- Oriya
- Pashto
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Punjabi
- Romanian
- Russian
- Samoan
- Serbian
- Sesotho
- Shona
- Sindhi
- Sinhala
- Slovak
- Slovenian
- Spanish
- Sundanese
- Swahili (Kiswahili)
- Swedish
- Tagalog
- Tajik
- Tamil
- Tatar
- Telugu
- Thai
- Turkish
- Turkmen
- Uighur
- Ukrainian
- Urdu
- Uzbek
- Vietnamese
- Welsh
- Kosa
- Yiddish
- Yoruba
- Zulu
* Blue icons = EU member states
- 日本語
- 英語
- アフリカーンス語
- アルバニア語
- アムハラ語
- アラビア語
- アルメニア語
- アゼルバイジャン語
- バスク語
- ベンガル語
- ブルガリア語
- ビルマ語
- 白ロシア語(ベラルーシ語)
- カンボジア語
- カタラン語
- 中国語
- コルシカ語
- クロアチア語
- チェコ語
- デンマーク語
- オランダ語
- エスペラント語
- エストニア語
- ペルシャ語
- フィンランド語
- フランス語
- フリジア語
- ガリシア語
- ゲール語(スコットランド語)
- グルジア語
- ドイツ語
- ギリシャ語
- グジャラート語
- ハウサ語
- ヘブライ語
- ヒンディー語
- ハンガリー語
- アイスランド語
- インドネシア語
- アイルランド語
- イタリア語
- カンナダ語
- カザフ語
- キルギス語
- 韓国語
- ラオス語
- ラテン語
- ラトビア語(レット語)
- リトアニア語
- マケドニア語
- マダガスカル語
- マレー語
- マラヤーラム語
- マルタ語
- マオリ語
- マラーティー語
- モンゴル語
- ノルウェー語
- オリヤー語
- パシト語(パシュトー語)
- ポーランド語
- ポルトガル語
- パンジャブ語
- ルーマニア語
- ロシア語
- サモア語
- セルビア語
- セソト語
- ショナ語
- シンド語
- シンハラ語
- スロバキア語
- スロベニア語
- スペイン語
- スンダ語
- スワヒリ語(キスワヒリ語)
- スウェーデン語
- タガログ語
- タジク語
- タミル語
- タタール語
- テルグ語
- タイ語
- トルコ語
- トルクメン語
- ウイグル語
- ウクライナ語
- ウルドゥー語
- ウズベク語
- ベトナム語
- ウェールズ語
- コーサ語
- イディッシュ語
- ヨルバ語
- ズールー語
※ 青いアイコン = EU加盟国
Effects of Introducing RUNZUS
Streamline burdensome analog tasks such as “manual input, transcription, and reconciliation”

In the past, paper and stamps were the mainstream of business.
Everything from confirmation to work was done manually, and there was a lot of work to do face-to-face with the client.
Of course, there are some things that can only be conveyed by hand or face-to-face.
However, from now on, due to consideration for the global environment and working environment, as well as the world situation, the digitalization of business will continue to accelerate.
Digitizing your business has many benefits.
Thoroughly reduce physical costs and human rights costs.
On the other hand, it will increase the disposable time of local expatriates and allow them to focus only on the tasks that are really necessary.
RUNZUS reduces analog work to 0 as much as possible and guides the success of overseas offices.
Best practice
Engineering Service Company
Visualization of indirect costs and annual saving of €54,000
- Rising fuel costs have also driven up overhead costs, such as expenses for employees traveling by car.
- There was a gap in cost awareness among sales and engineering employees, leading to widespread dissatisfaction.
- Visualization of expenses per number of visits and mileage for each employee
Fostering cost-consciousness among employees by discouraging the use of expensive parking lots and encouraging the use of stores with low fuel costs
- €500 per person x 9 employees per month for a total of €4,500 per month (€54,000 per year) in saving

Core System Development
Use of cutting-edge technology
AI, OCR, NFC scanning, and our own input registration parallel system.
Implementation of multilingual, multicurrency, automatic translation and proxy input system
Planning and design by people with expatriate and management experience
Development by professionals with extensive knowledge of business site issues and business design *Expatriates with experience stationed in 2 overseas countries, management experience at 10 sites, staff with experience in SaaS development and sales for enterprises, etc.
Flexible system development thinking
Development of a highly convenient and scalable system considering future partial modifications
Other Companies:Requirement definition → Development → Acceptance inspection → Delivery → Maintenance
(*In some cases, it may be difficult to handle additional modifications)
Our Company:Requirement definition → Development → Small start → Partial modification → Acceptance inspection → Delivery → Maintenance
About Us
Sozo Technologies GmbH
Dingolfinger Str. 15, 81673 München
+49 (0)89 2017 5111
Improving operational efficiency is employeesʼ benefits
Concentrate on core operations and improve employee motivation
The words “DX” and “digitalization” may give an impression of cost cutting and machines taking away employees’ jobs, but business efficiency not only reduces the workload of managers and employees, it also has the potential to be “benefits” that lead to greater employee satisfaction.
Conventional employee benefit programs generally involve spending money on new benefits or reducing employee work hours, but rather than temporarily improving employee satisfaction through measures that tend to fall into a rut, the time saved by increased efficiency can be used to promote new internal communication, which in turn increases the amount of time employees have to spare and leads to ongoing improvements in employee satisfaction.
It is also true that many of the things that employees want from their workplaces in recent years, such as a better life/work balance and more freedom in where they work, can often be achieved by improving work efficiency by eliminating restrictions on location and time.
In addition, improved employee satisfaction will lead to lower turnover, lower recruiting and training costs, and ultimately to further cost containment and improved business performance.
Therefore, operational efficiency not only reduces costs, but also serves as “benefit program” for employees.